CROSOL je u sklopu projekta “Jačanje kapaciteta civilnog društva Jugoistočne Europe u području međunarodne razvojne suradnje” financiranom od strane Grada Zagreba objavio priručnik na engleskom jeziku, namijenjen prvenstveno organizacijama civilnog društva sa područja Zapadnog Balkana, ali i svim ostalim zainteresiranim građanima koji žele sazati više o konceptu međunarodne razvojne suradnje, kontekstu u kojem se provodi danas, kao i o međunarodnim institucijama i okvirima u kojima djeluje.
“Challenges, opportunities and the path to sustainable development”
“Development cooperation is a complex area that requires a comprehensive approach and careful planning to achieve the desired results. The definition of international development cooperation is the first step in understanding this concept and provides the basis for further reflection and practice in the field of development. The following chapters of this Manual will explore in more detail the different aspects of international development cooperation, including the policies, strategies, instruments and challenges faced by actors in this area. Understanding the definition of international development cooperation is essential for all concerned and helps achieve successful results in achieving sustainable development in developing countries.”

odgovornost CROSOL-a te se ni pod kojim uvjetima ne može smatrati odrazom stajališta Grada