Video: Međunarodna konferencija “Neliberalne demokracije: Europa između demokracije i autokracije”

International conference: “Illiberal democracies: Europe between autocracy and democracy”, Kino Europa, Zagreb, 8-9 December 2017

VIDEO: Day 1, Opening panel: “Illiberal trends in Europe: what’s the appeal?”

  1. prof. dr. sc. Žarko Puhovski, Professor of political philosophy
  2. prof. dr. sc. Vesna Pusić, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia and  Professor of sociology of politics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb
  3. dipl. iur. Jadranka Kosor, former Prime Minister of Croatia

Moderator: Ivana Dragičević, Journalist

VIDEO: Day 2, Panel 1, “What is illiberal democracy? Why, when and where does it happen?”

  1. dr. sc. Dominic Eggel, The Graduate Institute Geneva
  2. dr. sc. Dejan Jović, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb

Moderator: Gordan Bosanac, CROSOL/CPS

VIDEO: Day 2, Panel 2, “Illiberal democracies: first-hand experience”

  1. Tamas Boros, Political Expert, Hungary
  2. Katarzyna Batko Toluć, Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog Polska

Moderator: Florian Irminger, Human Rights House Foundation

VIDEO: Day 2, Panel 3, “Living on the edge of illiberal democracy”

  • Jelena Berković, GONG
  • Albin Keuc, SLOGA (Slovenia)
  • Mr.Krisjanis Liepa, LAPAS (Latvia)
  • Xhabir Deralla, CIVIL (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)

Moderator: Ivan Novosel, HRH Zagreb

VIDEO: Day 2, Panel 4: “Resisting ill democracies in Europe: Understanding the playbook of iliberal governments to better resist them” and “Future steps: Ideas on How to Change the illiberal trends”

  • Alexandra Swetzer, Human Rights House Foundation
  • Ivan Novosel, Human Rights House Zagreb
  • Konrad Siemaszko, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland)

Moderator: Marina Škrabalo, Solidarna – Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity

  • Open discussion
  • Defining conference recommendations to national and European institutions

Facilitators: Gordan Bosanac, CROSOL/CPS and Ivan Novosel, HRHZ