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Trio-presidency programme: A relay with a German sprint

Germany, Portugal and Slovenia presented their joint EU presidency programme for the next 18 months on Tuesday (16 June), seeking to focus primarily on social recovery in the wake of the pandemic. Despite expectations, the 31 pages are otherwise filled with little substance. EURACTIV Germany reports. One week before Germany’s Federal Cabinet is…

“Stop the backlash – Stop domestic violence” -conference declaration to the Finnish and Croatian EU-Presidencies

The Treaty of European Union (TEU) affirms gender equality and non-discrimination as fundamental principles (Article 2). Combating gender-based violence is one of the five priority areas of the EU’s Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality 2016-2019 and will continue to be so in the next phase 2020-2023. Ursula van der Leyen,…

The panel “Can Citizens Overthrow Illiberal Regimes?” held in Zagreb

Croatian Platform for International Civic Solidarity CROSOL, Solidarna – Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity and Human Rights House Zagreb last Saturday, on December the 7th in Dokukino KIC held a panel called “Can citizens overthrow illiberal regimes – experiences of Romania and Croatia” with the screening of the documentary…

EU presidency and culture: CROSOL is an official Human Rights Film Festival partner

The beginning of December for Zagreb and Rijeka is reserved for festival of socially engaged film – 17. Human Rights Film Festival (1-8/12/2019 Zagreb, Rijeka) in which this year, due to Croatian EU presidency, CROSOL will participate as na official festival partner. CROSOL’s task during the presidency will be to…

Euractiv: We still do not know what are Croatian priorities in EU presidency

“Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman addressing Bled Strategic Forum outlined the priorities of Croatia’s EU Council Presidency: measures that foster sustainable growth and development of countries and regionsintegrationcitizens’ securitystriving for greater European Union influence in the world. GGR seized the opportunity to point out that Croatia supports the Western Balkan countries…

Press Release: Civil society priorities for the EU Presidency published

Forum 2020, an informal platform for non-governmental organizations gathered on the occasion of the presidency of the Republic of Croatia to the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2020, has defined the priorities of the civil society perspective. Forum 2020 brings together more than 20 organizations…

Video interview: Finnish and Croatian presidency priorities

During the Romanian Development Campa public advocates, Gordan Bosanac from CROSOL-a and Rili Lappalainen from Fingo ry – Suomalaiset kehitysjärjestöt compared Finnish and Croatian civil society priorities for Finnish and Croatian presidencies of the Council of the EU – they overlap in 75% of content. Find out what matters to civil society organizations…

“Sustainable Europe – Sustainable future” Finland’s EU Presidency programme is published

Finland’s new government published the official EU Presidency programme a week before the actual presidency. The priorities for Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union are to: Strengthen common values and the rule of lawMake the EU more competitive and socially inclusiveStrengthen the EU’s position as a leader…

European Elections – A short summary from Romania, Finland and Croatia

The European Parliament elections took place on the 4-day period between the 23rd and 26th of May. More than 400 million citizens were urged to vote across 28 countries. At 50.97%, the projected overall turnout is the highest for the last 25 years. The European Parliament shared provisional results of overall turnout and…

Small grants call open for local CSOs in Croatia

In cooperation with Solidarna foundation, as a part of the presidency project, CROSOL has published call for small grants for CSOs related to the Croatia presiding European Council in 2020. Through the consultations with CSOs we have define four thematic call priorities:(1) Strengthening EU internal mechanisms for respecting the rule…