Browsing Category:

Sustainable development

Online discussion: Citizens in energy transition

Online discussion “Citizens in energy transition” was organised by Terra Hub Croatia, Crosol and Green Energy Cooperative on 27 April 2021. The discussion was focused on models of ensuring citizen participation in energy transition in their local communities. In the first part of the event, several experts gave presentations that…

Presentation of the report on SDGs implementation in Croatia

CROSOL – Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity presented its report and held a discussion on sustainable development goals and Agenda 2030 implementation in Croatia on 20 April 2021. The participants in the discussion were experts on sustainable development: Mirta Mandić, Head of Global Development Service, Ministry of Foreign and…

Webinar and panel discussion: “COVID-19 as a catalyst of change in planning sustainable traffic”

Association ODRAZ – Sustainable Community Development, in cooperation with CROSOL, organised a webinar and panel discussion titled “COVID-19 as a catalyst of change in planning sustainable traffic” on 13 April 2020. Presenters on the webinar were: Predrag Brlek, University NorthTadej Brezina, Institute for Traffic, Vienna University of TechnologyMorgane Juliat, German…

No room for the environment at the EU-Western Balkans Zagreb Summit

“Zagreb- The Declaration, which came out last week at the conclusion of the EU-Western Balkans Zagreb Summit, failed to recognize the transition towards a just and sustainable future, which can be implemented through the European Green Deal. Furthermore, it ignored the European sustainability agenda, important in the context of European…

Croatia’s love affair with dirty energy

“Council presidency sponsorship, high-profile events, new fossil fuel investments…. Corporate Europe Observatory turns a quizzical eye on the Croatian Government’s love affair with the fossil fuel industry (inspired by The Guardian’s Pass notes column). Name: INA, d.d. Never heard of them. Who are they? INA is a Croatian oil company which plays a…

Big Oil sponsors Croatia’s EU presidency

“The six-month Croatian presidency of the Council of the EU has signed a deal with the country’s national oil company INA to supply its fuel. The part state-owned firm is now designated as the EU council presidency’s “official gasoline supplier” – and comes during the launch of the European Commission’s European…

Croatian citizens believe that the fight against corruption must be the priority of Croatia’s EU Presidency

CROSOL – the Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity, in collaboration with Ipsos Puls, has published the results of a public opinion poll on Croatia’s presidency of the EU Council taking place in the first half of 2020. The research was carried out within the framework of the project “Towards…

CONCORD’s views on EU support to sustainable development worldwide

In 2017, the European Union and its Member States adopted a shared vision and framework for action to align the Union’s development policy with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the European Consensus on Development. Two years later, they published their first ‘Joint Synthesis Report’ (JSR) to monitor the implementation…

Euronews: Finland works towards goal of carbon neutrality by 2035

The Finnish government pledged last April to make the country carbon neutral by 2035, reports Euronews. Finland holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU until December, and this is their main policy priority. The country hopes to convince the 27 other member states to invest in this transition,…

Voluntary National Review of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development implementation

The presentation of the first Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development during the UN High Level Political Forum 2019 is an opportunity for Croatia to evaluate its current performance in terms of the achievement of sustainable development goals. The review was prepared…