“Towards an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the World” The EU Presidency Project’s slogan is a vision worth fighting for!
We join hands to increase public support for a European Union which puts the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, development cooperation, human rights, and civil society space at the centre of its work.
Behind this project are national and pan-European NGO platforms for development and relief, representing the current and upcoming EU Council Presidencies. FOND (Romania), Fingo (Finland), CROSOL (Croatia), and CONCORD (pan-European) are proud to collaborate for coherent development policies and positive change in Europe.
The Romanian NDGO platform (FOND) was founded in 2007 and is currently counting 33 member organizations that engage their work in development and international cooperation
Fingo is an umbrella organisation for Finnish NGOs working on development cooperation, sustainable development and global citizenship education.
CROSOL is a national platform of Croatian NGOs working on development cooperation. The platform has 32 members and was established in 2014.
CONCORD is the European NGO Confederation for Development and Relief. Representing over 2,600 NGOs, we work for a world in which everyone can enjoy wellbeing and equality.
For the occasion of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, civil society organizations gathered in Forum 2020, an informal network, to define civil society priorities for the Croatian Presidency in the period January – June 2020.
Members of Forum 2020:
ADRA – Adventist Development and Relief Agency Croatia
Association „Earthlings – Are You Syrious?”
B.a.B.e – Be active. Be Emancipated.
Centre for Democracy and Law Miko Tripalo
Center for peace, nonviolence and human rights – Osijek
CROSOL – Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity
Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past
Forum for Freedom in Education
IPE – Institute for Political Ecology
MIRamiDA Center – Regional Peacebuilding Exchange
ODRAZ – Sustainable Community Development
The Women’s Room – Center for Sexual Rights
VUK – Youth Association Varaždin Underground Club