Press Release: Civil society priorities for the EU Presidency published

Forum 2020, an informal platform for non-governmental organizations gathered on the occasion of the presidency of the Republic of Croatia to the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2020, has defined the priorities of the civil society perspective. Forum 2020 brings together more than 20 organizations interested in the presidency process from different areas of activity and different parts of Croatia, and it is coordinated by CROSOL – Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity  within the project “Towards an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the world – Presidency Project 2019- 2021” funded by the European Commission.

Priorities have been defined through several months of consultation process that has been carried out throughout Croatia in cooperation with civil society organizations and all interested citizens. Citizens, non-governmental organizations and interested members of the academic community participated in consultations held live and online.

Four thematic priorities are defined through the process of public consultation, which we consider them to be included in the agenda of the presidency:

1. Democratic Europe of Free and Responsible People. Europe of the Rule of Law and Human Rights. Europe of Free, Independent and Critical Civil Society, Independent Institutions and Independent Media.

2. The European Union, which continues to have a potential for expansion. Europe that stabilizes the Western Balkans.

3. Europe that is committed to the goals of sustainable development within and beyond its borders.

4. The European Union as a Global Peacebuilder.

CROSOL, as the organization coordinating the work of Forum 2020, has published a new web page that will serve as a source of news and information related to the presidency, with the aim of raising awareness of European issues among Croatian citizens and strengthening their awareness of Croatia as a member of the European Union. The civil society’s priorities are also published on the web site.