Deeply concerned for serious threat of fundamental European values of democracy, solidarity and social justice and protection of human rights in the case of current Greek debt crisis, which is organized by key European institutions which are forcing Greece to austerity, cutting and selling off key national resources in exchange for debt relief, Centre for Peace Studies, Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity CROSOL, Matica hrvatskih sindikata (Association of Croatian Trade Unions) and Group 22 are organizing press conference
“Greek tragedy orchestrated by Troika: Where are the European values?”
friday, 3rd of July 2015, 10 am
in the Trade Union building.
The key speakers will be:
Sandra Benčić from Centre for Peace Studies
Vilim Ribić in the name of European Economic and Social Committee
Mislav Žitko from Group 22
Marina Škrabalo from CROSOL