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Official launch of European Year for Development in Croatia and the meeting with Commissioner Mimica

On 13th of February in Croatian Parliament, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia Vesna Pusić, opened European Year for Development 2015 (EYD2015). On that occasion two round tables were organized, where civil society representatives together with government representatives shared…


Starting the European year for development in Croatia

On 13th of February Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, mister Neven Mimica will visit the Croatian Parliament. The event is organized by Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Croatia and European Commission. Minister of Foreing and European Affairs, madam Vesna Pusić, will talk about Croatian development cooperation and Commisioner Mimica will…


January edition of Policy Digest is out

In the first half of 2015 Latvia will for the first time hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Latvia took over the leadership of the Council – the EU institution that represents the executive governments of all 28 member states of the EU – from Italy and will pass it on to Luxembourg at the end of June.…