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EU policies

Project Commencement: Know your EU, build your EU!

The “Know your EU, build your EU! – raising awareness of the importance of democratic participation by Croatian citizens in EE24” project will be carried out under the expert guidance of the CROSOL platform, in collaboration with 60 civil society organisations at local and national levels, and over 100 change-makers…

How can agriculture contribute to green transition in the EU?

Agriculture accounts for 11 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU and 70 percent of those come directly from livestock agriculture. How can the agriculture sector contribute to a greener EU? We will discuss it on 6 September at 19:30. A new policy period for a more modern (greener…

Estimates Show That 1.2 Billion People Will Be Climate Migrants by 2050. This Is What We Can Do For Them Immediately.

This article was written in Croatian and published with the cooperation of The text below is the original text translated in English. An estimated 1.2 billion climate migrants are expected by 2050. We researched what we can do to help them today People are often the forgotten victims of…

A world in turmoil requires much more from ODA providers: CSOs call again for higher levels of ODA

Today, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced that over the course of 2021 members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) allocated 178.9 billion USD to official development assistance (ODA), more commonly known as ‘development aid’, representing an increase of 4.4% in real terms, compared to the previous…

CSOs call for entire plan to count donated excess COVID-19 vaccines as aid to be scrapped following failure of OECD DAC members to agree

Last week, the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) failed to agree on a plan to report the donation of excess Covid-19 vaccine doses as aid. Yet, donors willing to report their excess vaccine donations will still be able to do so as in-kind donations, despite the lack of agreement. We,…

Joint CSO reaction on the ODA-eligibility of Covid-19 vaccine related spending

An open letter to the OECD by Eurodad and other civil society organisations on the latest proposal for valuation of donations of excess Covid-19 vaccine doses to developing countries in ODA. We understand that members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) are reaching consensus towards reporting the donation of excess…


The report provides a detailed analysis of the quantity and quality of EU ODA throughout 2020 in four categories: Enough? Employed correctly? Effective? Equality-focused? ENOUGH?  In 2020, the EU’s ODA represented 0.50% of its GNI, up from 0.42% in 2019. The EU, despite retaining its position in 2020 as the…

EU UNOPS Lives in Dignity Grant Facility: improving outcomes for displacement-affected people

The LiD Grant Facility by the European Union and UNOPS will support refugees and other displaced persons to become productive members of their host communities and participate in furthering their common resilience, socio-economic growth and development. The strategic priorities for the Facility are: Early engagement of development-led approaches to forced displacementA…

Health of Our Democracies Compromised by Many EU Leaders During 2020: Liberties Report

Democracy and the rule of law have regressed across a large number of European countries in 2020, according to Liberties’ new report ‘EU 2020: DEMANDING ON DEMOCRACY’. The report, covering 14 EU countries, responds to the Commission’s request for information as it prepares its second annual audit of EU countries’ democratic…

Letter to minister Grlić Radman ahead of the Foreign Affairs Council on 23 November

Ahead of the Foreign Affairs Council (Development) meeting on 23rd November, CONCORD Europe and CROSOL have sent a letter to the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Mr Grlić Radman sharing a number of recommendations. CONCORD welcomed the adoption of the Global EU Response to COVID-19 in partner countries. Team…