
The COVID-19 pandemic and related crises call for higher levels of ODA

Press release by DAC-CSO Reference Group: Today, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced that over the course of 2020 DAC donors allocated 161.2 billion USD of official development assistance (ODA), more commonly known as ‘development aid’. Despite the long-standing commitment to contribute 0.7% of gross national income…

Health of Our Democracies Compromised by Many EU Leaders During 2020: Liberties Report

Democracy and the rule of law have regressed across a large number of European countries in 2020, according to Liberties’ new report ‘EU 2020: DEMANDING ON DEMOCRACY’. The report, covering 14 EU countries, responds to the Commission’s request for information as it prepares its second annual audit of EU countries’ democratic…

New aid data: Analysis of trends before and during Covid-19

Development Initiatives (DI) has just published new aid analysis titled New aid data: Analysis of trends before and during Covid-19, which explores the major global trends in aid both before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.   Key findings: ODA has largely flatlined since 2016, with slight growth in 2019 to…

How civil protection has been neglected in Croatia

After the “Zagreb” earthquake in March 2020, it was crystal clear that there were serious problems in the management system of the so-called “Civil crises” – those that are primarily governed by a civil protection system in regulated countries. The marginalization and disorder of the civil protection system is known…

Letter to minister Grlić Radman ahead of the Foreign Affairs Council on 23 November

Ahead of the Foreign Affairs Council (Development) meeting on 23rd November, CONCORD Europe and CROSOL have sent a letter to the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Mr Grlić Radman sharing a number of recommendations. CONCORD welcomed the adoption of the Global EU Response to COVID-19 in partner countries. Team…

AidWatch 2020: Knock-on effects, an urgent call to Leave No One Behind

2020 marks the first year since 1998 that the global rate of poverty has increased. The COVID-19 pandemic has much to do with that, but it doesn’t help that the EU and its Member States are further off-track than ever in meeting their aid targets. In fact, at the current rate…

DEAR Croatia Report 2020

European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR) has published a country report on Croatia as part of a series of country studies that reflect on the context in which DEAR projects operate in different EU Member States. “Croatia, as the youngest EU member state, is experiencing the transition…

European Commission publishes 2020 WB Country Reports

The European Commission has just published 2020 Enlargement Package. The package contains the Reports in which the Commission services present their detailed assessment of the state of play in each candidate country and potential candidate, what has been achieved over the last year, and set out guidelines on reform priorities.…


This contribution has been prepared by the working group on Civic Space of Civil Society Europe which is composed of CSE members, the European Foundation Centre as a partner organisation and several organisations working in the area of civic freedoms.  As Civil Society Europe works primarily on the enabling Framework…

CONCORD & CROSOL letter to Ministers of Foreign Affairs ahead of FAC meetings

CONCORD Europe and CROSOL have sent a letter to EU ministers of foreign affairs, including the Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman, ahead of the Foreign Affairs Council meeting on 21 September, as well as an informal FAC meeting on Development on 29 September. The letter…